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Read book Jonathan McKee - More Than Just the Talk : Becoming Your Kids' Go-To Person about Sex in TXT, PDF


Have Real Conversations With Your Kids About Sex The old ways of having the "sex talk" just won't cut it anymore. Sadly, the number one place today's young people go to for answers about sex is Google. Meanwhile, kids view nearly 14,000 sexual references a year on television, and 70 percent of teenagers have encountered pornography on the Internet. If we want our children to know the truth about healthy sexuality, we need to create a comfortable climate of continual conversations. Jonathan McKee will show you how to move beyond the initial awkwardness of this subject into an ongoing communication with your kids about God's amazing gift of sex. He equips you with what you need to talk openly about dating, temptation, porn, and purity, and you will find answers to tough questions and relevant Scripture on sexual issues. It's normal for kids to be curious about sexuality, and they need to know that their parents are the most reliable source of information. Be the one your kids turn to on this crucial topic. "In a world full of explicit lies, today's kids need parents who aren't afraid to tell them the explicit truth. This book provides parents with the tools they need to have these candid and continual conversations."--Dr. Kevin Leman, "New York Times" bestselling author of "Have a Happy Family by Friday" and "The Birth Order Book "Jonathan McKee is one of America's premier youth specialists, and this book will help you navigate the rough waters of teaching your kids healthy sexuality. There are some shocking but true statistics in this book to help you do your job. It's a very good read and can help your kids make good decisions about their sexuality for their lives now and their future."--Jim Burns, PhD, president, HomeWord and author of "The Purity Code" and "How God Makes Babies" "Parents, take a deep breath. This book pulls no punches. But it will give you exactly what you need to walk alongside your kids at this time when they most need it. Let's become a generation of parents that our children can safely come to for truth "--Shaunti Feldhahn, social researcher, speaker, and bestselling author of "For Women Only" and "For Parents Only" "If you're a parent of a teen or several teens like I am, then talking authentically and intentionally about sexuality is a mandatory responsibility in today's world. Failure to do so would be either sheer ignorance or negligence. To this end, Jonathan has written a thorough, straightforward, and engaging resource that will both equip and inform a parent for effective, culturally relevant, and God-honoring conversations about sexuality and all its implications. It is a critical read in critical times."--Brian Berry, generation ministries pastor, Journey Community Church, La Mesa, California; author, "As For Me and My Crazy House""SO many parents I know don't feel equipped to talk to their kids about sex. This book helps you overcome the (guaranteed) awkwardness of conversations like that, and provides both tools AND motivation. I wish every parent would read it . . . their kids would be the ones who'd benefit "--Scott Rubin, director of middle school ministry, Willow Creek Community Church "We shouldn't just wait for someone or "something" else to help our children navigate the confusion and deception that they experience regarding sex. Jonathan McKee is both a parent and a trusted expert on adolescence and youth-related issues. In this book, he provides clarity and practical knowledge so that you and I can do more than just give a nervous 'talk' to our kids; we can be loving and consistent parents for them as well."--Terry Linhart, PhD, educator, author, Bethel College--Indiana "Kids need parents who are educated, aware, and relevant when it comes to sex. Thankfully, Jonathan McKee gives us powerful, poignant, and practical tools to help us win in this delicate and scary parenting arena. Read this and gain hope and confidence."--Doug Fields, co

Book More Than Just the Talk : Becoming Your Kids' Go-To Person about Sex by Jonathan McKee in DJV, DOC

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